Live longer,
Taurine Capsules
Fisetin Capsules
Spermidin Longevity
Aktiviere Deine Zellerneuerung und setze dabei auf das natürliche Polyamin Spermidin als Geheimzutat!
Spermidin ist dafür bekannt, die Zellteilungsprozesse zu regulieren und die Zellerneuerung zu begünstigen.
Die natürlich vorkommende Verbindung ist in allen lebenden Zellen zu finden und spielte bereits in den frühesten Stadien der Evolution eine entscheidende Rolle.
Als eines der wertvollsten körpereigenen Proteine ist Lactoferrin ein natürlicher Bestandteil des Immunsystems
CLN® hat nachweislich die höchste Reinheit und höchste Bioaktivität
Lactoferrin CLN® wird mit Europas modernster Prozessanlage extrahiert, aufgereinigt und schädliche Verunreinigungen (e.g. Angiogenin) vollständig entfernt.
Protect Bag
Natural premium astaxanthin from algae: powerful antioxidants for natural protection against sun & premature skin aging
Powerful antioxidant specially extracted from Haematococcus Pluvialis algae
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body caused by external environmental factors such as UV radiation, pollution, and poor diet.
Amin Sticks
Unique patented amino acid mix (EVAA™) for your recovery
Patented EAA and BCAA amino acid mix for your muscles & regeneration
The free amino acids contained in AMIN are available to your body immediately after ingestion, as some of our unique amino acid mix (EVAA™) is already absorbed directly through the oral mucosa.
Amin Bag
Unique patented amino acid mix (EVAA™) for your recovery
Patented EAA and BCAA amino acid mix for your muscles & regeneration
The free amino acids contained in AMIN are available to your body immediately after ingestion, as some of our unique amino acid mix (EVAA™) is already absorbed directly through the oral mucosa.
QBIOTIC stellt eine innovative Zusammensetzung dar, die bereits in wissenschaftlichen Studien zur Beeinflussung des Stoffwechsels und der Bakterienzusammensetzung im Darm eingesetzt wurde. Es beinhaltet eine Reihe von essenziellen Nährstoffen, darunter Zink, das eine wesentliche Rolle im normalen Metabolismus von Kohlenhydraten und Fetten spielt. Chrom trägt zusätzlich zur Erhaltung eines ausgeglichenen Blutzuckerspiegels bei.
- Neuartige Formulierung mit Bakterien (B. subtilis), Mikronährstoffen und Pflanzenextrakten (Grüntee & Kurkuma)
- Ein Glas QBIOTIC (60 Kapseln) entspricht einem Vorrat für 30 Tage (Eine Portion = 2 Kapseln)
- Erfolgreiche Anwendung in klinischen Studien
myBioma Comfort
The premium probiotic MyBioma Comfort contains the scientifically tested bacteria strain Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, which optimally supports digestion. It can help reduce bloating and discomfort and also strengthens the immune system. Rely on our first-class formula for your wellbeing.
- One sachet a day
- Scientifically supported
- Vegan, gluten and lactose free
- Recyclable packaging
NovoDaily Premium
Personalized nutritional supplement based on your diet and lifestyle.
This is included:
- free laboratory analyses worth €990
- 20+ nutrients dosed according to your needs
- Analysis of over 50 genes
- Analysis of the 6 most important blood parameters
- Evaluating your diet
- Evaluating your lifestyle
- 12-month subscription period
- Reports from gene and blood analyses digital & printed (300+ pages)
NovoDaily Standard
Personalized nutritional supplement based on your diet and lifestyle.
This is included:
- free laboratory analyses worth €609
- 20+ nutrients dosed according to your needs
- Analysis of over 50 genes
- Evaluating your diet
- Evaluating your lifestyle
- SUBSCRIPTION with 6 months subscription period
- Reports from genetic analyses digital & printed (300+ pages)
NovoDaily Basic
L-Protein Veganer Protein-Shake
Formuliert mit 25g vollständigen, pflanzlichen Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung der Muskelbildung und Reparatur. Gleichzeitig wird die zelluläre Alterung (IGF-1 Pfad und mTor-Signalweg) niedrig gehalten, damit du deine Longevity-Ziele verfolgen kannst. L-Protein ist das einzige Pulver mit einem Patent für gesundes Altern. Nach dem Training verwenden, zum Frühstück oder als Snack während deiner Essens-Zeitfenster. Endlich der perfekte Protein-Shake!
- Unterstützt gesunden Muskelwachstum
- Hoher Proteingehalt, wenig Kohlenhydrate
- Pflanzliche Proteine
- Enthält 21 Vitamine und Mineralstoffe aus Früchten und Gemüse
- Clean Eating: Pflanzenbasiert, ohne Milchprodukte, GVO, Soja und Silikate
- Enthält 14 einzeln verpackte Beutel pro Packung
Balance - Premium Prebiotic
Vitamin D
This vitamin D3 supplement is specifically designed to improve absorption. It strengthens the immune system, promotes bone health and is therefore a factor on the way to a longer, healthier life. The advanced liposomal formula ensures maximum bioavailability. Liposomal vitamin D3 is the effective “daily companion” for a healthy life.
Quercetin is a flavonoid, a natural colorant, and is known as a powerful antioxidant. It is found naturally in citrus fruits, broccoli and asparagus, for example. Since the human body does not produce this substance itself, it is essential to absorb it through nutrients and supplements. Purovitalis has developed unique capsules that are enclosed in liposomes. These liposomes behave in the same way as our body cells, so that quercetin can be optimally absorbed by your body.
Resveratrol Liposomal
Various studies show that resveratrol slows skin aging and also promotes healthy blood sugar levels.
This resveratrol has a particularly advanced design and ensures maximum benefits in the body: Small capsules enclosed in liposomes ensure easy and pleasant intake and particularly efficient absorption of the active ingredients.
Our advanced resveratrol is designed to maximize the powerful benefits of resveratrol. The capsules are small and enclosed in liposomes. This ensures that they are easy to take and that the active ingredients are absorbed as efficiently as possible.
Spermidine Fusion
Healthy and vital - even in old age - with spermidine capsules from Purovitalis. The dietary supplement supports autophagy, the process by which cells break down and utilize their own components. With a mix of spermidine, zinc and B vitamins, the high-dose 5 mg capsules are the ideal supplement for active and health-conscious people.
Liposomal NMN Capsules
With our capsules, the body absorbs NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) in perfect doses and is particularly effective. The liposome-coated capsules are not only pleasant to swallow, but also ensure that the ingredients are absorbed particularly effectively by the body.
For best results, we recommend taking two capsules per day.
- High purity vegan L-Glycine and N-Acetyl-Cysteine in capsule form
- One jar of GlyNAc (180 capsules) provides a 60 day supply (one serving = 3 capsules)
- GlyNAc is a mitochondrial booster and potent precursor complex for the glutathione molecule
- Has been shown in human studies to have numerous positive effects on the signs of aging
- Purity certified by independent German laboratories
- 60 capsules of pure trans-resveratrol
- One glass of resveratrol capsules (60 capsules) is a 60 day supply (one serving = 1 capsule)
- Ultra-pure production (over 98%) through innovative yeast fermentation
- Trans-resveratrol is a plant polyphenol
- Acts on the molecular longevity pathways sirtuins & AMPK
- Health-promoting longevity effects timed in studies
spermidine PRO
- Spermidine PRO Capsules (high dose) made from wheat germ extract and chlorella algae powder
- High quality blend with 6 mg spermidine per capsule
- One jar of spermidine (60 capsules) is a 60-day supply (one serving = 1 capsule)
- Spermidine levels fall sharply throughout life
- Studies show that high spermidine intake is associated with lower mortality
- 20 times higher bioavailability due to superior formulation
- One jar of Quercesome (60 capsules) is a 30-day supply (one serving = 2 capsules).
- 1 capsule provides the same plasma concentration as 2000 mg (equivalent to 4-5 capsules) of conventional quercetin
- Quercetin is a plant bioflavonoid derived from the Japanese string tree
- Purity certified by independent German laboratories
- 60 capsules of high-purity quercetin phospholipid plus vitamin C
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The Guide to Longevity
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