Live longer,
MoleQlar is a German company that specialises in longevity and offers scientifically based nutritional supplements. Its innovative products are rigorously tested in accredited laboratories to ensure the highest quality. MoleQlar also offers novel laboratory tests to create individual lifestyle profiles and supports customers with comprehensive information for a healthier future.

What prompted you to found MoleQlar?
While studying medicine, we realized that although there is a high level of curative work in medicine, prevention is often neglected both in studies and in practice. The topics of maintaining health and longevity then matured into a personal conviction over the years of study and became a matter close to the heart with MOLEQLAR. We are aware of the importance of scientific evidence, high-quality products and the measurability of results and strive to optimally implement these aspects in all of our products.
Which supplements are you most convinced of?
There is no general answer to this question, as the initial situation is usually very different from person to person. However, before starting with “more sophisticated” supplements, a basic supply of micronutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and vitamin D is always recommended. These molecules probably play the most important role in our organism and are by far the most common in our latitudes. That being said, each of us has a different personal moleQLAR favorite. For Max it is Quercesome, for Mario it is calcium alpha-ketoglutarate and for Clemens it is Berbersome.
What is the role of “measuring” and testing in your opinion?
We are firmly convinced that a blind dietary supplement is of little use. Without regular blood count checks or self-tests at home, neither demand nor success can be monitored. There is now a large selection of at-home tests that are not only easy to carry out, but are also very valid and reliable. It is not uncommon for it to turn out that the deficiency, for example due to diet, is not as great or is greater than assumed. Without this knowledge, countermeasures cannot be taken. A good overview of the current biological situation is possible with epigenetic or proteome tests.

Taurine Capsules

Fisetin Capsules


QBIOTIC stellt eine innovative Zusammensetzung dar, die bereits in wissenschaftlichen Studien zur Beeinflussung des Stoffwechsels und der Bakterienzusammensetzung im Darm eingesetzt wurde. Es beinhaltet eine Reihe von essenziellen Nährstoffen, darunter Zink, das eine wesentliche Rolle im normalen Metabolismus von Kohlenhydraten und Fetten spielt. Chrom trägt zusätzlich zur Erhaltung eines ausgeglichenen Blutzuckerspiegels bei.
- Neuartige Formulierung mit Bakterien (B. subtilis), Mikronährstoffen und Pflanzenextrakten (Grüntee & Kurkuma)
- Ein Glas QBIOTIC (60 Kapseln) entspricht einem Vorrat für 30 Tage (Eine Portion = 2 Kapseln)
- Erfolgreiche Anwendung in klinischen Studien


- High purity vegan L-Glycine and N-Acetyl-Cysteine in capsule form
- One jar of GlyNAc (180 capsules) provides a 60 day supply (one serving = 3 capsules)
- GlyNAc is a mitochondrial booster and potent precursor complex for the glutathione molecule
- Has been shown in human studies to have numerous positive effects on the signs of aging
- Purity certified by independent German laboratories


- 60 capsules of pure trans-resveratrol
- One glass of resveratrol capsules (60 capsules) is a 60 day supply (one serving = 1 capsule)
- Ultra-pure production (over 98%) through innovative yeast fermentation
- Trans-resveratrol is a plant polyphenol
- Acts on the molecular longevity pathways sirtuins & AMPK
- Health-promoting longevity effects timed in studies

spermidine PRO

- Spermidine PRO Capsules (high dose) made from wheat germ extract and chlorella algae powder
- High quality blend with 6 mg spermidine per capsule
- One jar of spermidine (60 capsules) is a 60-day supply (one serving = 1 capsule)
- Spermidine levels fall sharply throughout life
- Studies show that high spermidine intake is associated with lower mortality


- 20 times higher bioavailability due to superior formulation
- One jar of Quercesome (60 capsules) is a 30-day supply (one serving = 2 capsules).
- 1 capsule provides the same plasma concentration as 2000 mg (equivalent to 4-5 capsules) of conventional quercetin
- Quercetin is a plant bioflavonoid derived from the Japanese string tree
- Purity certified by independent German laboratories
- 60 capsules of high-purity quercetin phospholipid plus vitamin C


- 10-fold increase in bioavailability due to superior formulation
- One jar of Berbersome (60 capsules) is a 60-day supply (one serving = 1 capsule)
- 1 capsule provides the same plasma concentration as 1,500 mg (equivalent to 3 capsules) of conventional berberine
- Insulin resistance and blood lipid levels increase with increasing age
- Berberine has been shown to reduce these age-related effects in studies
- 60 capsules of highly purified berberine phospholipid combined with chromium and zinc


- Innovative NAD booster developed by MoleQlar®
- One jar of regeNAd (60 capsules) is a 30-day supply (one portion = 2 capsules).
- Unbeatable combination of NAD precursors, catabolic inhibitors and activating enzymes
- Approach to replenish drastically depleted NAD levels
- NAD is a vital molecule & stimulates sirtuins and parps
- Increasing NAD levels improves health span, according to studies


- High quality combination of calcium and alphaketoglutarate
- One jar of CaaKG (60 capsules) corresponds to a supply of 30 days (one portion = 2 capsules)
- AKG is important for energy metabolism and plays a role in digestion, bone metabolism and the immune system
- Health benefits for longevity demonstrated in studies
- Combined with calcium for improved AKG bioavailability

Your Molecular Profile

- Discover your molecular self with MoleQlar Analytics' epigenetic proteomics test
- Simple cheek swab to measure and quantify all the proteins in your body
- Comprehensive lifestyle profile covering diet, exercise, DNA damage, minerals, etc.
- Scientifically validated on thousands of different samples
- Evaluation in collaboration with the renowned LMU Munich

ONE (Daily Longevity Complex)

- Breakthrough formulation with 13 different longevity ingredients
- Science-based formulation & dosage with effects on all the hallmarks of aging
- No more mixing and matching: Just one sachet a day to support your health and longevity
- Harmonious taste with natural lemon notes & no sweeteners
- Convenient monthly supply of 30 sachets per pack
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The Guide to Longevity
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