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myBioma Comfort


Balance - Premium Prebiotic





myBioma's mission is to improve people's gut health and thus their quality of life. The company believes that health starts in the gut. To achieve this, it is important to first understand what is going on inside the body. Since 2018, myBioma has been offering its customers intestinal microbiome tests based on the latest scientific knowledge and technological methods. In addition, myBioma is working intensively to exploit the extensive diagnostic potential of the gut microbiome. The company is already involved in several clinical studies to investigate and evaluate the role of the gut microbiome in medical therapies.


How can the microbiome have an impact on health?

The crucial role of the microbiome is not surprising when you consider that there are more microbes in the body than human cells. The human microbiome is diverse, and every part of the body — for example the intestines, skin, and oral and nasal cavities — has a different microbial community. A person's core microbiome is formed in the first few years of life, but can change over time in response to various factors, such as diet, medication, and environmental influences. This can result in digestive problems, a weakened immune system, mood swings and even depression, weight gain, and skin problems. The best way to identify an imbalance in the intestines is to do a microbiome test. However, thanks to rapid developments in research, you no longer have to go to a doctor, but can do it comfortably at home.

Why is it important to know your microbiome?

Each person has their own individual microbiome, which consists of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other organisms, most of which live in their intestines. The gut microbiome has a significant impact on a person's health and well-being. The bacteria in your intestines influence digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence, as well as the metabolism of sugar, protein, and fat. The weight and health of organs such as the liver, and cardiovascular system are also closely linked to bacteria in the gut microbiome.

What can the user expect from the test?

Users get a comprehensive overview of all bacteria in their intestines, including species richness, diversity, species equality and probiotic bacteria. They also learn what effects their intestinal bacteria have on their food intake, including enterotype, calorie intake, sugar, fat, vitamin and protein metabolism. The analysis also provides information about which health conditions their bacteria are associated with, such as inflammation, intestinal mucosa, irritable bowel syndrome, weight management, gut-brain axis, gut-liver axis, gut-skin axis, insulin balance and joint health. Based on the results, they receive practical suggestions for improvement that can be easily integrated into everyday life in order to optimize the health of their microbiome.





myBioma Comfort


Balance - Premium Prebiotic


myBioma Microbiome Test
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