Live longer,

Spermidin Longevity

Aktiviere Deine Zellerneuerung und setze dabei auf das natürliche Polyamin Spermidin als Geheimzutat!
Spermidin ist dafür bekannt, die Zellteilungsprozesse zu regulieren und die Zellerneuerung zu begünstigen.
Die natürlich vorkommende Verbindung ist in allen lebenden Zellen zu finden und spielte bereits in den frühesten Stadien der Evolution eine entscheidende Rolle.


Als eines der wertvollsten körpereigenen Proteine ist Lactoferrin ein natürlicher Bestandteil des Immunsystems
CLN® hat nachweislich die höchste Reinheit und höchste Bioaktivität
Lactoferrin CLN® wird mit Europas modernster Prozessanlage extrahiert, aufgereinigt und schädliche Verunreinigungen (e.g. Angiogenin) vollständig entfernt.
Our products are based on the latest scientific findings and cutting-edge technology to provide natural and high-quality solutions for healthy living in the modern world. Instead of relying on bans, we are creating alternatives for a species-appropriate life. Our interdisciplinary team of scientists, therapists and medical professionals is continuously developing innovative products that combine knowledge, technology and nature. The natural raw materials of our dietary supplements and superfoods are of high quality and comply with the human blueprint. They offer simple yet effective options for maintaining or improving health, performance, and resilience.

What makes art'gerecht different from other companies on the market?
We see ourselves as a partner, service provider and information platform for all people who rely on natural solutions. Each product from our range is intended to offer people a quick yet species-appropriate way to maintain or improve their health, performance and resilience, which can be easily integrated into everyday life. But there is more to art'gerecht than capsules, granules and superfoods: Our focus on useful content that offers users added value, combined with scientific findings and innovations, makes us unique.
What is special about art'gerecht products?
Our products go through a demanding development process based on similar principles. We only use species-appropriate and natural raw materials of premium quality and rely on innovative manufacturing processes, including full-spectrum extractions and patented technologies. The composition is optimally tailored to human needs. We place great value on uncompromising quality and scientific expertise. Our own processes ensure that the biological activity of our products is significantly increased compared to other suppliers. This difference is quickly noticeable: The use of pure raw materials without artificial additives is reflected in the natural taste and immediate effect.
Which products should I start with?
Perhaps the start of a species-appropriate life is a bit unusual and new for one or the other. That is why we developed RE'SET: Health starts in the intestines. As part of the immune system and largest area to the outside world, a functioning intestine is the basis for optimal absorption of nutrients, greater health and a balanced, species-appropriate life.

Spermidin Longevity

Aktiviere Deine Zellerneuerung und setze dabei auf das natürliche Polyamin Spermidin als Geheimzutat!
Spermidin ist dafür bekannt, die Zellteilungsprozesse zu regulieren und die Zellerneuerung zu begünstigen.
Die natürlich vorkommende Verbindung ist in allen lebenden Zellen zu finden und spielte bereits in den frühesten Stadien der Evolution eine entscheidende Rolle.


Als eines der wertvollsten körpereigenen Proteine ist Lactoferrin ein natürlicher Bestandteil des Immunsystems
CLN® hat nachweislich die höchste Reinheit und höchste Bioaktivität
Lactoferrin CLN® wird mit Europas modernster Prozessanlage extrahiert, aufgereinigt und schädliche Verunreinigungen (e.g. Angiogenin) vollständig entfernt.

Protect Bag




Natural premium astaxanthin from algae: powerful antioxidants for natural protection against sun & premature skin aging
Powerful antioxidant specially extracted from Haematococcus Pluvialis algae
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body caused by external environmental factors such as UV radiation, pollution, and poor diet.

Amin Sticks

Unique patented amino acid mix (EVAA™) for your recovery
Patented EAA and BCAA amino acid mix for your muscles & regeneration
The free amino acids contained in AMIN are available to your body immediately after ingestion, as some of our unique amino acid mix (EVAA™) is already absorbed directly through the oral mucosa.

Amin Bag

Unique patented amino acid mix (EVAA™) for your recovery
Patented EAA and BCAA amino acid mix for your muscles & regeneration
The free amino acids contained in AMIN are available to your body immediately after ingestion, as some of our unique amino acid mix (EVAA™) is already absorbed directly through the oral mucosa.
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The Guide to Longevity
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