Live longer, 






L-Protein Veganer Protein-Shake


Intermittent Fasting Bar





ProLon is a brand of L-Nutra, which specialises in making fasting and longevity concepts suitable for everyday use. L-Nutra develops products that deliver the health benefits of fasting without the need for food. At the heart of this is Fasting Mimicking Technology (FMT), a method that mimics the positive effects of fasting while still providing the body with essential nutrients. This technology supports cell renewal and activates autophagy, which promotes healthy ageing. Dr Valter Longo, co-founder of L-Nutra and an expert in longevity research, directs the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California. He has dedicated his interest in L-Nutra to fasting research and is the author of the book 'The Longevity Diet'.


What exactly is ProLon fasting mimicking?

ProLon fasting mimicking diet is a patented nutritional program that contains a precisely defined ratio in the amount and composition of vegetable proteins, high-quality fats and complex carbohydrates. The Foods in This Program Nourish the Body but Do Not Trigger Cellular Food Sensors or Nutrient Sensors.

What are the advantages over water fasting?

Compared to pure water fasting, fasting mimicking offers a number of advantages. The risks and side effects of malnutrition are significantly reduced, as solid foods and wholesome meals are part of the program. Our clinical studies and the experience of over one million users worldwide confirm that paper entry is safe and easy to integrate into everyday life for healthy people. The solid diet and wholesome meals make it easier for participants to keep up with the program than with a pure water or vegetable broth fast. Studies show a high success rate with compliance of over 95%, i.e. almost all participants successfully complete the fasting program.

What is included in the ProLon 5-Day Box?

The ProLon 5-Day Box contains a carefully selected selection of foods with around 60 herbal ingredients. These have been scientifically coordinated and clinically tested to optimally support the 5-day fasting program. Inside the box, there are five smaller boxes, each corresponding to a specific day of the ProLon 5-day program. The food in the PROLON box is not only tasty but also easy to prepare. They include a wide selection of vegetable soups, bars, snacks, nutritional supplements, herbal teas and l-drinks that make the program pleasant and easy.





L-Protein Veganer Protein-Shake


Intermittent Fasting Bar


Fasting Shake


5-Day Fasting Box
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