
ABOUT science

The biology of aging is still largely a mystery. Researchers are working hard to unravel the molecular and cellular causes of aging and to find ways to prevent age-related diseases. These discoveries, and the science that may help people stay healthy as they age, are reported here.



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Scientists uncover mitochondrial key

Scientists uncover mitochondrial key

New research shows that E-TCmito is an important link between neuronal activity and mitochondrial function, highlighting its potential to counteract cognitive decline in old age and in diseases such as Alzheimer's.


Wenwen Li, Jiarui Li, Jing Li, Chen Wei, Tal Laviv, Meiyi Dong, Jingran Lin, Mariah Calubag, Lesley A Colgan, Kai Jin, Bing Zhou, Ying Shen, Haohong Li, Yihui Cui, Zhihua Gao, Hailan Hu, Ryohei Yasuda and Huan Ma, 20 December 2024, Science.


When muscles are exercised, they help nerve cells grow

When muscles are exercised, they help nerve cells grow

The results of a new study suggest that the biochemical and physical effects of exercise could contribute to nerve healing.


A. Bu, F. Afghah, N. Castro, M. Bawa, S. Kohli, K. Shah, B. Rios, V. Butty, R. Raman, Actuating Extracellular Matrices Decouple the Mechanical and Biochemical Effects of Muscle Contraction on Motor Neurons. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2024, 2403712.


Ketone bodies eliminate damaged proteins in the brain

Ketone bodies eliminate damaged proteins in the brain

Ketone bodies, which are known for their role in energy metabolism during fasting, have been shown to interact directly with damaged proteins in the brain and promote their breakdown through autophagy. The researchers found that the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate alters the solubility of the misfolded proteins, which facilitates their breakdown and reduces pathological aggregation.



Resveratrol and vitamin C reduce oxidative stress after menopause

Resveratrol and vitamin C reduce oxidative stress after menopause

In a randomized controlled trial published in the journal Nutrients, researchers tested supplementation with resveratrol, vitamin C, and a combination of the two. They found that all treatments had a similar positive effect on oxidative stress in postmenopausal women.


Montoya-Estrada A, Garcia-Cortés AY, Romo-Yañez J, Ortiz-Luna GF, Arellano-Eguiluz A, Belmont-Gomez A, Lopez-Ugalde V, León-Reyes G, Flores-Pliego A, Espejel-Nuñez A, Solis-Paredes JM, Reyes-Muñoz E. The Administration of Resveratoz E. Role and Vitamin C Reduces Oxidative Stress in Postmenopausal Women-A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 2024 Nov 3; 16 (21) :3775. doi: 10.3390/nu16213775. PMID: 39519608; PMCID: PMC11548005.


Skin transplantation of senescent cells results in age-related peripheral dysfunction and cognitive decline

Skin transplantation of senescent cells results in age-related peripheral dysfunction and cognitive decline

Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered that senescent cells — non-dividing zombie cells — build up in the skin as we age and can influence the aging process in other parts of the body. Their latest study showed that transplanting aging skin cells in a preclinical model not only led to the spread of aging to other tissues, but also accelerated physical decline, impaired muscle function, and worsened brain health. This discovery suggests that senescent cells in the skin could cause wider systemic aging.


Franco, A.C., Martini, H., Victorelli, S., Lagnado, A.B., Wyles, S.P., Rowsey, J.L., Pirius, N., Woo, S., Costa, D.G., Chaib, S., Tullius, S.G., Kirkland, J.L., Khosla, S., Jurk, D., Cavadas, C. & Passos, J. F. (2024). Senescent cell transplantation into the skin induces age-related peripheral dysfunction and cognitive decline. Aging Cell.

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Telomeres shorten over the course of a lifetime. The normal aging process is thought to be affected by telomere shortening and thus associated with the onset of disease and increased mortality in old age.


Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten each time a cell divides. When they become so short that the genes they protect could be damaged, cells stop dividing and renewing themselves. As a result, the cells are no longer able to perform their functions. This is thought to be one of the mechanisms of aging.


Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten each time a cell divides. When they become so short that the genes they protect could be damaged, cells stop dividing and renewing themselves. As a result, the cells become less able to perform their functions. This is thought to be one of the mechanisms of aging.

Through prevention and proactive measures. Eating habits: high consumption of meat (especially red meat), a generally fatty diet and obesity cause the chromosome caps to wear down, as does excessive alcohol consumption. Consumption of vegetable products protects the cells.
Physical activity: Interval and endurance training can lengthen telomeres



What are telomeres?

Are these tiny segments of DNA the key to aging?

3D-Render von einem Telomer
George Church, amerikanischer Genetiker

The goal of a genome analysis is not to find out what you will die of, but rather to learn how to prevent diseases from occurring.

George Church

American geneticist, molecular engineer, chemist, and "founder of genomics"

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The Guide To Longevity


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The Guide To Longevity

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