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Professional Sleep Analysis
NovoDaily Premium
Personalized nutritional supplement based on your diet and lifestyle.
This is included:
- free laboratory analyses worth €990
- 20+ nutrients dosed according to your needs
- Analysis of over 50 genes
- Analysis of the 6 most important blood parameters
- Evaluating your diet
- Evaluating your lifestyle
- 12-month subscription period
- Reports from gene and blood analyses digital & printed (300+ pages)
NovoDaily Standard
Personalized nutritional supplement based on your diet and lifestyle.
This is included:
- free laboratory analyses worth €609
- 20+ nutrients dosed according to your needs
- Analysis of over 50 genes
- Evaluating your diet
- Evaluating your lifestyle
- SUBSCRIPTION with 6 months subscription period
- Reports from genetic analyses digital & printed (300+ pages)
NovoDaily Basic
Aware app
With its offering, Aware addresses the global trend that people want to know more about their health in order to be able to make informed decisions for a healthy lifestyle. The core of Aware's offering is Long Term Health Test. With 44 values, the blood test, which is repeated every six months, provides twice as many biomarkers as the large blood count and provides a comprehensive overview of the state of blood, heart, immune system, kidneys, liver, metabolism and minerals. On request, other values, such as sugar metabolism, thyroid health or nutrition, can also be checked. Users thus gain deep insights into their health status and keep an eye on the development of their values over time.
L-Protein Veganer Protein-Shake
Formuliert mit 25g vollständigen, pflanzlichen Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung der Muskelbildung und Reparatur. Gleichzeitig wird die zelluläre Alterung (IGF-1 Pfad und mTor-Signalweg) niedrig gehalten, damit du deine Longevity-Ziele verfolgen kannst. L-Protein ist das einzige Pulver mit einem Patent für gesundes Altern. Nach dem Training verwenden, zum Frühstück oder als Snack während deiner Essens-Zeitfenster. Endlich der perfekte Protein-Shake!
- Unterstützt gesunden Muskelwachstum
- Hoher Proteingehalt, wenig Kohlenhydrate
- Pflanzliche Proteine
- Enthält 21 Vitamine und Mineralstoffe aus Früchten und Gemüse
- Clean Eating: Pflanzenbasiert, ohne Milchprodukte, GVO, Soja und Silikate
- Enthält 14 einzeln verpackte Beutel pro Packung
Healthy Sport Panel Plus
Regardless of whether you have been training for a long time or are just starting out. By analyzing your individual, epigenetic fitness and nutrition parameters, as well as your genetic predisposition (SNPs), you can take your performance to the next level through targeted intervention.
We analyse your current diet and lifestyle, as well as 8 epigenetic markers (so-called miRNAs) and 4 SNP variants. Based on the analysis of these 8 sports and nutrition-relevant miRNAs, as well as the genetic sport type predisposition, you will receive personalized nutrition and training recommendations tailored to you. This allows you to individually optimize your training and adapt it to your needs.
Find out values for the following genetic markers:
Gene variants of the genes:
- ACTN3 and ACE to determine your sport type
- ACTN3 to determine your risk of muscle damage
- BDNF to determine your motivation to exercise
- FTO to determine the impact of sport on your body weight
And the following epigenetic biomarkers:
- Nutritional status
- Hydration status
- Inflammation
- Risk of injury and regeneration
- Cardiovascular fitness/ endurance
- Muscle status
- Load level
In addition, you will receive recommendations for epigenetically active plant substances with which you can specifically support your body.
Healthy Sports Panel
Regardless of whether you have been training for a long time or are just starting out. By analyzing your individual, epigenetic fitness and nutrition parameters, you can take your performance to the next level through targeted intervention.
We analyse your current diet and lifestyle, as well as 8 epigenetic markers (so-called miRNAs). Based on the analysis of these sports and nutrition-relevant miRNAs, you will receive personalized nutrition and training recommendations tailored to you and can thus individually optimize and adapt your training to your needs.
In this panel, you will learn your values for the following epigenetic biomarkers:
- Nutritional status
- Hydration status
- Inflammation
- Risk of Injury and Regeneration
- Cardiovascular fitness/ endurance
- Muscle status
- Load level
In addition, you will receive recommendations for epigenetically active plant substances with which you can specifically support your body.
Stress Monitor Panel
Reducing stress is one of the biggest challenges of everyday life. However, once the physical coping level is exceeded, it is a long way to recover. Determine your physical coping level now to counteract potential stress at an early stage.
By analyzing 6 stress-related epigenetic markers (so-called miRNAs), we can determine your cellular stress level and give you personalized recommendations for reducing stress. In order to provide your body with targeted support, you will also receive recommendations for epigenetically active plant substances.
To see your success in reducing stress, we recommend that you re-determine your epigenetic stress level 4 to 6 months later.
Healthy Aging & Metabolic Health
Personalized recommendations for a healthy aging process based on the evaluation of:
- Nutrition and lifestyle analysis
- Gene regulation of age-dependent genes (DNA methylation)
- Gene regulation of inflammation-relevant genes (DNA methylation)
- Telomere length
Nutrition and lifestyle through analysis of 23 gene variants (SNPs) and 5 epigenetic markers (3 DNA methylation sites and 2 microRNA (miRNAs)):
Personalized evaluation of:
- Metabolic type (metabolic type)
- Sport type
- Health risks (diabetes, for example)
- Nutrition and metabolism factors
- Nutri-cosmetic classification total methylation (DNA stability)
- Inflammatory behavior prognosis for weight loss and stabilization
- Epigenetic status of metabolic regulation
Metabolic Health Panel
By analyzing 23 different gene variants (so-called SNPs), your genetic metabolic type (fat, carbohydrate, protein or balanced type) is determined. In addition, we analyse your current diet and lifestyle, as well as 5 epigenetic markers (3 DNA methylation sites and 2 miRNAs).
This provides you with information about the following genetic and epigenetic markers:
- Metabolic type (metabolic type)
- Sport type
- Health risks (diabetes, for example)
- Nutrition and metabolism factors
- Nutri-cosmetic layout
- Total methylation (DNA stability)
- Inflammatory behavior
- Prognosis for weight loss and stabilization
- Epigenetic status of metabolic regulation
Based on these results, you will also receive personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations, as well as a 4-day diet plan for weight loss or maintenance tailored to your metabolic type and individual needs.
Healthy Aging Panel
Balance - Premium Prebiotic
myBioma Microbiome Test
Der myBioma Mikrobiom-Test: Alles, was Sie über Ihr Darm-Mikrobiom wissen müssen
Mit dem myBioma Mikrobiom-Test erhalten Sie Zugang zu einer der modernsten und wissenschaftlich fundiertesten Mikrobiom-Analysen. Dieser Test verspricht eine einfache Möglichkeit, das eigene Wohlbefinden und die Lebensqualität zu verbessern. myBioma bietet umfassende Informationen und Erklärungen rund um den Test, um die Nutzer bestmöglich zu unterstützen.
Vitamin D
This vitamin D3 supplement is specifically designed to improve absorption. It strengthens the immune system, promotes bone health and is therefore a factor on the way to a longer, healthier life. The advanced liposomal formula ensures maximum bioavailability. Liposomal vitamin D3 is the effective “daily companion” for a healthy life.
Quercetin is a flavonoid, a natural colorant, and is known as a powerful antioxidant. It is found naturally in citrus fruits, broccoli and asparagus, for example. Since the human body does not produce this substance itself, it is essential to absorb it through nutrients and supplements. Purovitalis has developed unique capsules that are enclosed in liposomes. These liposomes behave in the same way as our body cells, so that quercetin can be optimally absorbed by your body.
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The Guide to Longevity
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