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epiAge Test





Founded in 2020, EpiAge Germany is today the leading provider of epigenetic age tests in Europe. The epiAge test features cutting-edge technology that is easy to use. Above all, the results are so robust, reliable and reproducible that customers value it as an irreplaceable tool for health prevention.


What exactly is the EpiAge test and why was it developed?

The EpiAge test is an epigenetic test for determining biological age. In fact, we all have two ages: one chronological and one biological. While your chronological age is standardized, linear, predictable, and irreversible — like the annual number of candles on your birthday cake — your biological age develops individually, dynamically, reactively, and reversibly. Why is that so? Because we are constantly influencing our biological age positively or negatively through our personality, lifestyle and environment, far more than through our inherited genes. The EPIAGE test therefore offers us an assessment of our current health status and the opportunity to take control of our own aging again.

What are the benefits of the test for the user?

Despite scientific excellence, users can expect very user-friendly handling. It is not your DNA that is read from a simple saliva sample, but the individual epigenetic switching system that surrounds your DNA. This so-called methylation is responsible for switching on or off certain gene sequences and thus correlates with your biological age. Your methylation pattern is then compared with the patterns of a cohort of the same age and finally your biological age is derived algorithmically. The result? It's simple: a number - your biological age!

Why is it important to know your biological age?

Your biological age provides information about the overall state of your organism. If it is close to chronological age, you are of average health. However, if it is well above the chronological age, it indicates a need for action — and should encourage you to review your lifestyle and make positive changes. A healthier diet, more exercise, better sleep and less stress are particularly important. But even if you're happy that you're not getting that old anymore, you can use this as motivation to win a few more years. Our experience and that of our customers shows that even small steps can make a big difference.





epiAge Test

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