Laurin Steffens
The health span is a concept that deals with the duration of a person's health over a lifetime. It looks at the time that a person spends in a healthy state versus how much time they are affected by illness, injury, or disability. The health span may relate to a person's overall health or to the health of specific body parts or functions.
The health span is often used as an indicator of a person's overall life expectancy and quality of life. It can be influenced by various factors, including a person's lifestyle, genetic predisposition, social and economic conditions, and health care system. There are measures that can be taken to increase the health span, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding risk factors such as tobacco use and alcohol abuse.
The health span is a concept that deals with the duration of a person's health over a lifetime. It looks at the time that a person spends in a healthy state versus how much time they are affected by illness, injury, or disability. The health span may relate to a person's overall health or to the health of specific body parts or functions.
The health span is often used as an indicator of a person's overall life expectancy and quality of life. It can be influenced by various factors, including a person's lifestyle, genetic predisposition, social and economic conditions, and health care system. There are measures that can be taken to increase the health span, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding risk factors such as tobacco use and alcohol abuse.