The New Era of Aging
Understanding why we can live not just longer, but better

What if we could not only live to be 100, but remain vital, healthy and energetic well into old age? This vision is driving scientists around the world as longevity research develops rapidly - with exciting results that could revolutionise the way we think about aging.
Why do we age at all?
Aging is a fascinating but complex process that is influenced by various factors. Scientists have the so-called Hallmarks of Aging identified — characteristic features that determine the aging of our cells. This includes:
- Telomeres: These “protective caps” at the ends of our chromosomes shorten with every cell division and contribute to cell aging.
- Mitochondria: The power plants of our cells lose efficiency as we age, which can lead to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.
- Senescent cells: Old, no longer functional cells that drive the aging process.
The good news: Research in these areas shows that aging isn't inevitable. Through targeted interventions, we could slow down or even reverse the process.
How research can change our lives
Longevity research has already produced groundbreaking findings. For example, scientists are working to remove senescent cells that impair our health, or to extend telomeres to halt cell aging. Innovative drugs such as senolytics, which act specifically against aging cells, are also in focus.
Another promising field is epigenetics, i.e. researching the influence of environmental factors on our genes. Stress, lack of sleep or an unhealthy diet can cause epigenetic changes that accelerate our biological age. However, research also shows that positive changes such as regular exercise and a balanced diet can reverse this process.
Some impressive numbers
The aging of the world population is one of the major challenges of our time. In 2019, 16% of the world's population is over 60 years old. By 2050, this share will rise to 31 percent. At the same time, interest in longevity research is growing rapidly: In 2023 alone, over 17,000 scientific articles on this topic were published — an increase of 40 percent compared to the previous year.
How to age healthier today
Although there is still a lot of research to be done, there are simple strategies that anyone can implement:
- Diet: A Mediterranean diet, rich in fruit, vegetables, healthy fats and low in sugar, promotes good health.
- Movement: Daily moderate exercise, such as walks or yoga, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Sleep: At least 7 to 8 hours sleep per night is crucial for regeneration and cell health.
- Stress management: Regular mindfulness training or meditation can protect the body from the damaging effects of chronic stress.
Challenges and ethical aspects
But living longer also raises questions: What does it mean for our society when people live to be 120 years and older? How can we ensure that from the longevity research Not only the rich benefit? And how does living longer affect pension systems and the environment?
There are a few potential answers to these questions:
- Societal adjustment: The infrastructure and healthcare system must be adapted to the needs of an older population. More resources must be invested in caring for and supporting older people.
- Fair distribution: Measures should be taken to ensure that the benefits of longevity research are available to all, regardless of their socio-economic status.
- Pension reforms: Pension systems need to be overhauled to cover longer lives, possibly through longer working lives or flexible retirement periods.
- Environmental awareness: A longer life means more use of resources. It is therefore important to promote sustainable lifestyles and technologies to minimize environmental impact.
A glimpse into the future
The future of longevity research is fascinating. Some scientists believe that there could soon be drugs that significantly reduce our biological age. At the same time, there is an increasing focus on extending the healthspan — the healthy years of life. Because it's not just about living longer, but about filling those extra years with zest for life and vitality.
Maybe one day we'll live in a world where living to 100 years old isn't something unusual anymore — it's the norm. Until then, it is up to us to support science and invest in our health today. Because the best years of our lives could still be ahead of us.
Scientific Terms
The biological definition of aging may include all changes in the body associated with aging, including growth, development, and maturation. Some biologists reserve the term senescence (see below) for changes associated with loss of function and degradation later in life, but in modern parlance aging is synonymous with senescence. Demographers have their own definition: aging is the increase in the probability of death associated with changes in the body. This allows for the possibility of negative senescence (see above) or declining aging, in which the probability of death decreases with increasing age.
Biological Age
Biological age is the age of cells in the body, which is determined by various properties and biomarkers that correlate with aging and decay in research.
From ancient Greek π epi 'to, moreover, 'and genetics
Refers to changes in a cell's gene expression that do not involve a change in the DNA code. Instead, the DNA and histones around which the DNA is wrapped are “marked” with removable chemical signals (see demethylation and deacetylation). Epigenetic tags tell other proteins where and when to read the DNA. This is comparable to a post-it on a book page that says “Skip.” A reader will ignore the page, but the book itself hasn't been changed.
Mitochondria are often referred to as the cell's powerhouse and break down nutrients to generate energy in a process called cellular respiration. They contain their own circular genome.
Telomere/Telomere Loss
Gr. Télos' Ende 'and' Télos' Teil '
A telomere is a cap that protects the end of the chromosome from wear and tear, comparable to the awl on the end of a shoelace or the burnt end of a rope to prevent fraying. As we age, telomeres erode to the point where the cell reaches the Hayflick limit. This is the point at which the cell sees the erosion as a break in DNA, stops dividing and becomes senescent.
Latin senescere “getting old”, “aging”
The process of deterioration with age.
Cellular Senescence
The process that occurs when normal cells stop dividing and start releasing inflammatory molecules, sometimes caused by telomere shortening, DNA damage, or epigenomic noise. Despite their apparent “zombie” state, senescent cells remain alive and damage neighboring cells with their inflammatory secretions.
What if we could not only live to be 100, but remain vital, healthy and energetic well into old age? This vision is driving scientists around the world as longevity research develops rapidly - with exciting results that could revolutionise the way we think about aging.
Why do we age at all?
Aging is a fascinating but complex process that is influenced by various factors. Scientists have the so-called Hallmarks of Aging identified — characteristic features that determine the aging of our cells. This includes:
- Telomeres: These “protective caps” at the ends of our chromosomes shorten with every cell division and contribute to cell aging.
- Mitochondria: The power plants of our cells lose efficiency as we age, which can lead to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation.
- Senescent cells: Old, no longer functional cells that drive the aging process.
The good news: Research in these areas shows that aging isn't inevitable. Through targeted interventions, we could slow down or even reverse the process.
How research can change our lives
Longevity research has already produced groundbreaking findings. For example, scientists are working to remove senescent cells that impair our health, or to extend telomeres to halt cell aging. Innovative drugs such as senolytics, which act specifically against aging cells, are also in focus.
Another promising field is epigenetics, i.e. researching the influence of environmental factors on our genes. Stress, lack of sleep or an unhealthy diet can cause epigenetic changes that accelerate our biological age. However, research also shows that positive changes such as regular exercise and a balanced diet can reverse this process.
Some impressive numbers
The aging of the world population is one of the major challenges of our time. In 2019, 16% of the world's population is over 60 years old. By 2050, this share will rise to 31 percent. At the same time, interest in longevity research is growing rapidly: In 2023 alone, over 17,000 scientific articles on this topic were published — an increase of 40 percent compared to the previous year.
How to age healthier today
Although there is still a lot of research to be done, there are simple strategies that anyone can implement:
- Diet: A Mediterranean diet, rich in fruit, vegetables, healthy fats and low in sugar, promotes good health.
- Movement: Daily moderate exercise, such as walks or yoga, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Sleep: At least 7 to 8 hours sleep per night is crucial for regeneration and cell health.
- Stress management: Regular mindfulness training or meditation can protect the body from the damaging effects of chronic stress.
Challenges and ethical aspects
But living longer also raises questions: What does it mean for our society when people live to be 120 years and older? How can we ensure that from the longevity research Not only the rich benefit? And how does living longer affect pension systems and the environment?
There are a few potential answers to these questions:
- Societal adjustment: The infrastructure and healthcare system must be adapted to the needs of an older population. More resources must be invested in caring for and supporting older people.
- Fair distribution: Measures should be taken to ensure that the benefits of longevity research are available to all, regardless of their socio-economic status.
- Pension reforms: Pension systems need to be overhauled to cover longer lives, possibly through longer working lives or flexible retirement periods.
- Environmental awareness: A longer life means more use of resources. It is therefore important to promote sustainable lifestyles and technologies to minimize environmental impact.
A glimpse into the future
The future of longevity research is fascinating. Some scientists believe that there could soon be drugs that significantly reduce our biological age. At the same time, there is an increasing focus on extending the healthspan — the healthy years of life. Because it's not just about living longer, but about filling those extra years with zest for life and vitality.
Maybe one day we'll live in a world where living to 100 years old isn't something unusual anymore — it's the norm. Until then, it is up to us to support science and invest in our health today. Because the best years of our lives could still be ahead of us.
Wissenschaftliche Begriffe
The biological definition of aging may include all changes in the body associated with aging, including growth, development, and maturation. Some biologists reserve the term senescence (see below) for changes associated with loss of function and degradation later in life, but in modern parlance aging is synonymous with senescence. Demographers have their own definition: aging is the increase in the probability of death associated with changes in the body. This allows for the possibility of negative senescence (see above) or declining aging, in which the probability of death decreases with increasing age.
Biological Age
Biological age is the age of cells in the body, which is determined by various properties and biomarkers that correlate with aging and decay in research.
From ancient Greek π epi 'to, moreover, 'and genetics
Refers to changes in a cell's gene expression that do not involve a change in the DNA code. Instead, the DNA and histones around which the DNA is wrapped are “marked” with removable chemical signals (see demethylation and deacetylation). Epigenetic tags tell other proteins where and when to read the DNA. This is comparable to a post-it on a book page that says “Skip.” A reader will ignore the page, but the book itself hasn't been changed.
Mitochondria are often referred to as the cell's powerhouse and break down nutrients to generate energy in a process called cellular respiration. They contain their own circular genome.
Telomere/Telomere Loss
Gr. Télos' Ende 'and' Télos' Teil '
A telomere is a cap that protects the end of the chromosome from wear and tear, comparable to the awl on the end of a shoelace or the burnt end of a rope to prevent fraying. As we age, telomeres erode to the point where the cell reaches the Hayflick limit. This is the point at which the cell sees the erosion as a break in DNA, stops dividing and becomes senescent.
Latin senescere “getting old”, “aging”
The process of deterioration with age.
Cellular Senescence
The process that occurs when normal cells stop dividing and start releasing inflammatory molecules, sometimes caused by telomere shortening, DNA damage, or epigenomic noise. Despite their apparent “zombie” state, senescent cells remain alive and damage neighboring cells with their inflammatory secretions.